■ Subnet mask
Subnet masks restrict network communication and an example of
one follows...
Here is an example of an IP address and a subnet mask.
IP Address 193. 1. 2. 3
Subnet Mask 255. 255. 0. 0
0 means this part of the address is not limited for communication.
Example) PC1 can talk to PC2
PC1 IP Address 193. 1. 2. 3
Subnet Mask 255. 255. 0. 0
PC2 IP Address 193. 1. 3. 4
Subnet Mask 255. 255. 0. 0
In the above example, we can communicate with anything that has
an IP address that begins with 193.1.X.X
■ Gateway (Router)
A Gateway is the transfer device that passes data between
networks. A gateway is a network point that acts as an entrance to
another network and sends data transmitted via the network to an
exact destination. The router knows where to direct data that
arrives at the gateway. If a destination is located at an external
network, the router transmits data to the external network. If your
network communicates with other networks, you may need to
configure the Gateway IP address. If you do not know the Gateway
IP address then contact your Network Administrator.
■ Node name
Node name appears in current BRAdmin Professional or Network
configuration page. Default Node name of the NC-2200w is
"BRN_xxxxxx" ("xxxxxx" is the last six digits of Ethernet
Node name is also referred to as Windows computer name
(NetBIOS name) or a DNS host name.
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