D5_brother_coverC MY KENGLISH114-200191200-0110008Printed in JapanOPERATION MANUAL 114-200
1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSaving Stitch Patterns ... 4-27 If You Can Not Save the Stitch Pattern4-28Retrieving
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-271 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5315A5B12238. Place the fabric as shown left figure B.- Right side of cut: on to
3-28 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexQuiltingYou can make beautiful, quilts quickly and easily with this machine. Whe
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-291 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexJJAB11 PiecingSewing two pieces of fabric together is called piecing. When cutt
3-30 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex66 QuiltingSewing together the quilt front, batting, and backing is called quil
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-311 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1 Appliqué1. Trace the pattern onto the appliqué fabric and then cutaround it,
3-32 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexJ1235. Use the quilting appliqué stitch to attach the appliqué.Sew around the ed
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-331 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12 Quilting with Satin StitchesUse the foot controller to sew with satin stitch
3-34 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexJ12Rough sketch (line)4. Set the speed control slide to control the stitch width
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-351 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex11212Blind Hem Stitches2. Place the fabric wrong side up. Fold and baste the fab
3-36 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexR1214. Sew the fabric, keeping the folded edge in contact withthe presser foot.1
1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexUsing a Frame Pattern to MakeAppliqué (1)... 5-59Using a Frame Pattern
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-371 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6112Appliqué1. Use a temoprary spray adhesive, fabric glue or a bast-ing stitch
3-38 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex611 Needle drop position Sewing Sharp CurvesStop the machine with the needle in
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-391 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexShelltuck StitchesShelltuck stitches give an attractive appearance of shells alo
3-40 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6514. Attach presser foot “J”. Set the needle drop point slightlyoff the edge of
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-411 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex65Scallop StitchesThis wave shaped running stitch pattern is called the scallop
3-42 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex31244Patchwork StitchesFor a decorative look called “Crazy Quilting” the followi
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-431 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6513. Select a stitch pattern.4. Place the fabric right side up in the machine.
3-44 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Smocking StitchesUse smocking stitches for decorative sewing on clothes, etc.1.
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-451 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexJ4. Select or .5. Sew the spaces between the straight seams.6. Pull out the
3-46 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex651123FagotingWhen there is a space between two fabrics, with thread sewn over t
Setting Up 1-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChapter 1 Setting UpH21456879=ABFCDLIJKNPQRTVWXSGMOUE3Principal PartsPRINCIPAL PARTS AND THEIR
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-471 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Tape or Elastic Attaching1. Select a straight stitch pattern, and attach presse
3-48 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex4. Select or .5. Sew over the tape (or elastic). CAUTIONBe sure the needle do
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-491 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexHeirloom Hemstitching (1) (Daisy stitch)Use for sewing tablecloths, decorative
3-50 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexN Hemstitching (2) (Drawn work)1. Pull out several threads from one area on a p
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-511 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexN4. Press to create a mirror image of the stitch pat-tern.5. Sew the opposite
3-52 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexN1223 Hemstitching (3)1. Pull out several threads from both sides of the 4 mm(3
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-531 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex*1 For use on low stress or decora-tive applications*2 For use on average stress
3-54 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexA65651122. Mark the position and length of the buttonhole on thefabric.NoteThe m
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-551 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex651165125. Lower the buttonhole lever so that it is positioned be-hind the metal
3-56 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6565112341 10 mm (3/8 inch)2 15 mm (9/16 inch)12 Sewing Stretch FabricsWhen sew
1-2 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2112341 Main power switch2 Power cordCAUTION• When leaving the machine unattended, the mainswi
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-571 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex651234DarningUse this stitch pattern for mending and other applications.1. Selec
3-58 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex65116514. Lower the buttonhole lever so that it is positioned be-hind the metal
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-591 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex65123Bar TacksUse bar tacks to reinforce areas that will be subject to strain, s
3-60 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6565611214. Check the first needle drop point and lower the presserfoot.1 2 mm (
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-611 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex651Button SewingCAUTIONDo not use the automatic thread cutting function when sew
3-62 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex164. Turn the balance wheel to check that the needle goesinto each hole correctl
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-631 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex61 Attaching a Shank to the Button1. Pull the shank lever toward you before sew
3-64 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1ABC2. Use in either the stitch width display or thestitch length display t
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-651 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1342Multi-directional Sewing (Straight Stitch and Zigzag Stitch)To attach patche
3-66 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex13. Set the needle in the fabric at the sewing start point,and sew seam “1” as s
Setting Up 1-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSTARTSTOP Operation Buttons “Thread Cutter” ButtonPress this button after sewing to automatic
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-671 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex21324331Zipper Insertion Centered ZipperUse for bags and other such application
3-68 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex61234. Remove presser foot “J”. Align the right side of the pinin zipper foot “I
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-691 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2341512341236122. Attach presser foot “J” and sew straight stitches up tothe zip
3-70 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1234612341236. Close the zipper, turn the fabric over, and sew a bast-ing stitch
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexDecorative stitch patternsSatin stitchAlphabetical characters (Gothi
4-2 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexDecorative Stitch Patterns1. Press , then press to display the sc
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex7mm Decorative Stitch Patterns1. Press then press to display the
4-4 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex7mm Satin Stitch Patterns1. Press then press to display the scre
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexUtility Decorative Stitch Patterns1. Press then press to display
4-6 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexAlphabetical CharactersThere are three types of fonts for alphabetic
1-4 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex121112 Balance WheelTurn the balance wheel to raise or lower the needle. Thewheel should be t
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼ If You Make a Mistake Selecting the CharacterPress to delete th
4-8 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexFabric When sewing on stretch fabrics, lightweight fabrics, or fabri
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex656565Basic Sewing of Character/Decorative Stitches1. Select a stitc
4-10 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexWhen sewing is completed, trim any excess thread.CAUTIONWhen sewing
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexMaking Stitch Pattern AdjustmentsYour stitch pattern may sometimes
4-12 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex13. Compare the finished pattern to the illustration of thecorrect
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12EDITING CHARACTER/DECORATIVE STITCH PATTERNSYou can create just t
4-14 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexPress this key to turn on the automatic reinforcementstitching mode
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexLSLSChanging the Size of the Stitch PatternsSelect a stitch pattern
4-16 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChanging the Stitch Pattern Length (for 7mm Satin Stitch Patterns O
Setting Up 1-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Top CoverOpen the top cover to wind the bobbin or do the upperthreading. To open the cover,
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-171 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSewing Pattern ContinuouslyPress to select continuous sewing or
4-18 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexCOMBINING STITCH PATTERNSYou can combine many varieties of stitch p
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-191 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Return to the stitch selection screen.* The screen displays the
4-20 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexCombining Large and Small Stitch Patterns1. Press to select the s
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-211 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexCombining Horizontal Mirror Image Stitch Patterns1. Press .2. Pres
4-22 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexCombining Stitch Patterns of Different Lengths1. Select .2. Press
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-231 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexMaking Step Stitch Patterns (for 7mm Satin Stitch Patterns Only)You
4-24 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Press again.4. Press to move the next stitch pattern to the
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-251 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex More Exa
4-26 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼Checking Combined Stitch Patterns1. Press .2. The entire selected
1-6 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex63112 Feed Dog Position SwitchUse this switch when attaching buttons (see page 3-61) orfor ot
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-271 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼MEMORY FUNCTIONSSaving Stitch PatternsYou can save often used stit
4-28 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexIf you see this screen after pressing , the machine’s memoryis ful
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-291 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼3. Press to choose a stitch pattern to delete.* If the entire sa
4-30 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6. The machine deletes the stitch pattern, then automatically saves
Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches 4-311 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexRetrieving Saved Stitch Patterns1. Press .2. The screen at left ap
4-32 Sewing Character/Decorative Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Press to display the saved stitch pattern, then press .* If y
Embroidery 5-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChapter 5 EmbroideryPREPARING TO EMBROIDERBefore Beginning Copyright InformationThe patterns
5-2 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex About Floppy Disks• If your machine did not come furnished with a built-in floppy disk drive
Embroidery 5-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexStep # Action Page1 Turn off the power. 1-122 Install sewing machine needle 75/11. 1-433 Attac
5-4 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12121Attaching Embroidery Foot “Q” CAUTION• Always turn off the main power switch when attachi
Setting Up 1-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12 Foot Controller CAUTIONDo not allow fabric pieces and dust to collect inthe foot controlle
Embroidery 5-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12Attaching the Embroidery UnitCAUTIONBe sure to turn off the power before installing the em-b
5-6 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. Press . The carriage will move to the initializa-tion position. CAUTIONKeep your hands and
Embroidery 5-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexill 6_09 Removing the Embroidery Unit1. Remove the embroidery frame.Press either or , then
5-8 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexOne point patternsFloral alphabet patternsSaved patternsCharacter patternsFrame patternsEmbroi
Embroidery 5-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexOne Point Patterns1. Press to open the screen at left.2. Press to see the next screen of p
5-10 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6. The sewing screen is displayed.* To go to the next step, see page 5-19, “Viewing the Sewin
Embroidery 5-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexCharacter Patterns1. Press to open the screen at the left.2. The method for selecting chara
5-12 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexExample: Selecting “Bus”1 Press .* If you want to change the size of the characters, select
Embroidery 5-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexFloral Alphabet Patterns1. Press to open the screen at left.2. Press to see the next scre
5-14 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6. The sewing screen is displayed.* To go to the next step, see page 5-19, “Viewing the Sewin
1-8 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex13121175/11 2 needles90/14 2 needles90/14 2 needles : Ball point needle
Embroidery 5-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexFrame Patterns1. Press to open the screen at left.2. Press the key of the frame pattern sha
5-16 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. The selected pattern is displayed on the screen.6. After selecting the pattern, press .7.
Embroidery 5-171 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Selecting Patterns from an Embroidery Card1. When the screen at left is displayed, you can i
5-18 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex11 Insert completely.Selecting a Pattern from a Floppy Disk (Only for Machines with Floppy Di
Embroidery 5-191 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex123456789ABCDE@Example : One point patternVIEWING THE SEWING SCREEN1 Bobbin thread sensor: Sh
5-20 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1212PREPARING THE EMBROIDERY FRAMEAttaching a Stabilizer Material to the Fabric CAUTIONAlways
Embroidery 5-211 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexLarge Medium Plus Medium SmallCan embroider an area Can embroider an area Can embroider an ar
5-22 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1231 Outer frame2 Inner frame3 Surface of fabric123 Inserting the FabricCAUTIONIf the fabric
Embroidery 5-231 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12 Using the Embroidery SheetWhen you want to embroider the pattern in a particular place, u
5-24 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex121212Attaching the Embroidery FrameCAUTIONWind and set the bobbin before attaching the embro
Introduction A-1IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using this machine, basic safety precautions should always be taken,including the following:Read all
Setting Up 1-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexNo. Part NamePart CodeU.S.A. Others15 Low shank adapter SA131 XA6126-00216 Screw (large) XA590
Embroidery 5-251 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12 Removing the Embroidery FrameWhile pressing the embroidery frame holder to the left,pull
5-26 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1➜DETERMINING THE PATTERN POSITIONChanging the Pattern PositionUse the arrow keys to move t
Embroidery 5-271 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChecking the Pattern’s PositionPress . The embroidery frame moves to check thesewing positio
5-28 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexPreviewing the Completed Pattern1. Press .2. You can view an image of the completed pattern
Embroidery 5-291 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexThread Upper thread Use embroidery thread, or country embroidery thread intended foruse with
5-30 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Basic Embroidery MethodExample: Embroidering 1 Embroidery color order display.This display
Embroidery 5-311 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Lower the presser foot lever, then press the “Start/Stop”button to start embroidering. Af
5-32 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex.123456789. Follow the same steps for embroidering the remaining colors.10.When the last colo
Embroidery 5-331 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexorSewing Embroidery Patterns Which Use AppliquéThere are some patterns which call for an appl
5-34 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex4. Set the base fabric for the appliqué in the embroideryframe, and embroider “Appliqué Posit
1-10 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexNo. Part NamePart CodeU.S.A. Others1 40 colors embroidery threads SA740 X80928-10040 colors c
Embroidery 5-351 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexADJUSTMENTS DURING THE EMBROIDERY PROCESS12The Bobbin Runs Out of ThreadWhen the bobbin begin
5-36 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexThe Thread Breaks During Sewing1. Press the “Start/Stop” button to stop the machine.2. Press
Embroidery 5-371 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. Press , , or , to move the needle back2-3 stitches before the spot where the thread
5-38 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼Sewing Again from the Beginning1. Press .2. Press . The embroidery frame moves, returning
Embroidery 5-391 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼Continuing Embroidery After Turning off the PowerExample: If the power goes off while sewin
5-40 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexMAKING EMBROIDERY ADJUSTMENTSAdjusting Thread TensionWhen embroidering, the thread tension sh
Embroidery 5-411 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex If the Upper Thread Tension is Too WeakThe upper thread will become loose. The embroideryth
5-42 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexNAME OF COLOR EMBROIDERY THREAD#COUNTRY THREAD#TIMEChanging the Thread Color Display1. Press
Embroidery 5-431 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexExample123451 Large frame em-broidering area2 Center line3 Medium frame em-broidering area4 S
5-44 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexFor embroidery , the automatic thread cutting function is set auto-matically. When sewing is
Setting Up 1-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexNo. Part NamePart CodeU.S.A. Others7 Embroidery cardNo. 1 Alphabet SA298 X58317-001No. 2 Flow
Embroidery 5-451 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChanging the Size of the Pattern1. Press .2. The screen at the left is displayed.Press to
5-46 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex10° 90°Rotating the PatternPress to rotate the pattern 90 deg.1 Shows the degree of the pat
Embroidery 5-471 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex 132Changing the Density of a Pattern (Character and Border Patte
5-48 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼Changing the Colors of Character PatternsPress so that it appears as . The machine will s
Embroidery 5-491 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexMEMORY FUNCTIONSaving Embroidery Patterns Saving a Pattern1. Press .2. Choose where to save
5-50 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. The “Saving” screen displays. When the pattern is saved, thedisplay returns to the origina
Embroidery 5-511 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex123. Select the pattern you want to delete.1 Shows the amount of memory used by the pattern
5-52 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. Press to delete the selected pattern.* If you decide not to delete the pattern, press .
Embroidery 5-531 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexRetrieving Patterns from Memory1. Press .2. The machine displays the patterns currently in t
5-54 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Press .* If you decide not to retrieve the pattern from memory, press. The machine return
1-12 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1212BASIC OPERATIONConnecting the Power WARNING• Use only regular household electricity for t
Embroidery 5-551 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexABCEMBROIDERY APPLICATIONSAligning the Left Side of a Pattern and Sewing1. Mark the embroider
5-56 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Connecting CharactersFollow the steps below when all the characters in the pattern do not fi
Embroidery 5-571 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6. Enter the letters “FGHI.”7. Press to move the needle start position to .The needle sta
5-58 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexEmbroidering an Outline of a PatternYou can embroider the outline of a pattern to create diff
Embroidery 5-591 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1 Appliqué material1Using a Frame Pattern to Make Appliqué (1)You can use framed patterns of
5-60 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexUsing a Frame Pattern to Make Appliqué (2)A second method to make appliqué using the embroide
Embroidery 5-611 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex4. Remove the embroidery frame from the embroideryunit, and cut around the outside of the sti
5-62 Embroidery1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex121212Embroidering Small Fabrics or Fabric EdgesUse an embroidery stabilizer material to prov
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChapter 6 Embroidery Edit FunctionsEXPLANATION OF THE EDITING FUNCTIONSWith the
6-2 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexKey Display Pattern TypeOne point patternFloral alphabet patternPattern saved i
Setting Up 1-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex561234Twin needle/up positionSingle needle/down positionSingle needle/up positionTwin needle/
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexThe method of selecting patterns without alphabetical characters isthe same as
6-4 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex13. The pattern is displayed in the top part of the screen.4. After the pattern
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSelecting Character PatternsWhen you select character patterns from the embroid
6-6 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Enter the letters (Example: A B C D)* See page 5-11 for more information abo
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex7. After you finish your selections, press .8. The embroidery edit screen will
6-8 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12341234NamePatternselect keyRotate keyDelete keyArrow keys( Centerkey)Cha
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1➚Moving the PatternPress to move the pattern in the position shown on the ke
6-10 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Rotating the Pattern1. Press .2. Press to rotate the pattern 90 deg. to th
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Changing the Size of the Pattern1. Press .2. Press to enlarge the pattern.
6-12 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexDeleting the Pattern1. Press .2. The pattern is deleted from the screen.
1-14 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Key FunctionsPress this key to see an explanation of the selected pattern.Press this key to
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Changing the Thread Color1. Press .2. The thread color palette screen displa
6-14 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex124. Press to choose a new color on the color palette.1 The color on top cha
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Changing the Configuration of Character Patterns1. Press .2. Press the key o
6-16 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChanging Character Spacing1. Press .2. Press to widen the character spacing
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-171 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Changing the Color of Each Character in a Pattern1. Press .2. You can sew ea
6-18 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexADJUSTING PATTERNS AFTER EDITING1. Press .2. If you plan to sew the pattern a
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-191 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. See page 5-29 for more information about sewing the patterns.* When you wan
6-20 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexCOMBINING AND EDITING PATTERNSExample1. Attach the embroidery unit, and prepar
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-211 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2 Press 2 times, then press to select the border.4. Press .
6-22 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. Press .6. Select the characters “Happy.”1 Press .
Setting Up 1-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexPress this key to select twin needle sewing mode. The sewingmode changes between single needl
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-231 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex22 Press the key of the font you wish to use (Example: ).3 Enter “Happy.”The
6-24 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex8. Use to move the letters.9. Press .10. Press again.
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-251 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex11. Select the same font, then enter “Birthday”. The letters will ap-pear in t
6-26 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex14. If you want to alter the combined pattern, use toselect the part of th
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-271 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex16. If you plan to sew the pattern at that time, press .* Press to re-edit
6-28 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSEWING COMBINED EMBROIDERY PATTERNSCombined patterns will be embroidered in th
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-291 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. When “Happy” is embroidered, the green “cross” cursor willchange to the “Bi
6-30 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexADJUSTING EDITED PATTERNS1. Press .2. Press .
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-311 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. The machine will return to the embroidery edit screen.4. Press to choos
6-32 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexMEMORY FUNCTIONSSaving Edited Patterns Saving a PatternYou can save edited pa
1-16 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexUsing the LCD DisplayPress a key with your finger to select the stitch pattern, or to select
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-331 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. The “Saving” screen displays. When the pattern is saved, thedisplay returns
6-34 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex122. Previously saved patterns are displayed.3. Select the pattern you want t
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-351 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. Press to delete the pattern. .* If you decide not to delete the pattern,
6-36 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexRetrieving Saved Patterns1. Press .2. The machine displays the patterns save
Embroidery Edit Functions 6-371 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Select the pattern you want to retrieve, and press .* If you decide not to
6-38 Embroidery Edit Functions1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. Press .6. The machine retrieves the pattern and prepares to embroider it
My Custom Stitch 7-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChapter 7 MY CUSTOM STITCHDESIGNING THE STITCH123With the MY CUSTOM STITCHTM function, y
7-2 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexStitch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1500 12 18 22 23 21 17 14 12 09 06 03 01 03 0600
My Custom Stitch 7-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex124567819ENTERING STITCH DATACreating Stitch DataNoteMake sure that the embroidery unit
7-4 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. Select whether one stitch or three stitches will be sewn betweenthe first two points.
Setting Up 1-171 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1. Press to open the screen at left.2. Press to go to the next screen.3. On the display
My Custom Stitch 7-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6A screen that allows you to see the entered stitch designappears.* Press this key so th
7-6 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex72314Editing Stitch Data1. Press .A screen that allows you to edit the entered stitch
My Custom Stitch 7-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Moving a Point1. Press or to move to the point that you wish to move.2. Use to
7-8 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Moving Part or All of the Design1. Press or to move to the first point of the se
My Custom Stitch 7-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. When finished revising the pattern, press so it ap-pears as .6. Press to go to
7-10 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2. Press . A new point is inserted and the moves to it.3. Use any of to move the p
My Custom Stitch 7-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexMEMORY FUNCTIONSStoring the custom designUp to fifteen custom stitch patterns can be st
7-12 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSee page 4-27 for details on what to do if the pattern cannot bestored because the memo
My Custom Stitch 7-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexRetrieving a Stitch Design That Has Been SavedPreparationIf the embroidery unit is atta
7-14 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexThe indicates a pocket which has a pattern saved in it. If youpress a , the pattern
1-18 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1Choosing the Display Language1. Press to open the screen at left.2. Press to go to the n
My Custom Stitch 7-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. The sewing screen for that stitch will then be displayed.
7-16 My Custom Stitch1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex
Care and Maintenance 8-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12Chapter 8 Care and MaintenanceCHANGING THE LIGHT BULB CAUTION• Turn off the main p
8-2 Care and Maintenance1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5311212CLEANING THE MACHINE CAUTIONBe sure to unplug the machine before cleaning it.
Care and Maintenance 8-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex512121▼4. Remove the race.* While pushing the race towards the back of the ma-chine,
8-4 Care and Maintenance1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexCLEANING THE FLOPPY DISK DRIVE HEADSIf the heads of the floppy disk drive become dir
Troubleshooting 9-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChapter 9 TroubleshootingADJUSTING THE SCREENIf the screen is difficult to see when you t
9-2 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexADJUSTING THE TOUCH PANELIf the screen does not respond correctly when you touch a key (t
Troubleshooting 9-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex+1 +4+5+2 +33. Press the “Bobbin Winding” button.4. The machine displays the screen sho
9-4 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexUSING THE “TROUBLESHOOTING” FUNCTIONUse the troubleshooting key for advice about minor se
A-2 IntroductionFOR USERS IN THE UK, EIRE, MALTAAND CYPRUS ONLYIf this machine is fitted with a three-pin non-rewireable BS plug then please read the
Setting Up 1-191 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex123541423576Using the Machine Settings KeyPress to change the default machine settings (nee
Troubleshooting 9-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1 Machine is not threaded correctly (usedthe wrong spool cap, spool cap is loose,the thre
9-6 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1 There is a mistake in the upper or bob-bin threading.2 Spool cap is set incorrectly.3 U
Troubleshooting 9-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1 Thread is twisted.2 Fabric was not inserted into the framecorrectly ( fabric was loose,
9-8 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1 Needle is installed incorrectly.2 Needle clamp screw is not tightened.3 Needle is turne
Troubleshooting 9-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1 There is no pattern selected.2 “Start/Stop” button was not pushed.3 Main power switch i
9-10 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex CAUTIONBe sure to rethread the machine. If youpress the “Start/Stop” button withoutreth
Troubleshooting 9-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex7.This message is dis-played when theembroidery unit isattached, and the“Reverse/Reinfor
9-12 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex17.This message is dis-played when theembroidery unit isattached and the poweris turned
Troubleshooting 9-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex27.This message is dis-played when the bobbinis being wound, and themotor locks because
9-14 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex37.This message is dis-played when theembroidery unit isinitializing.38.This message is
1-20 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex51234Using the Machine Operations KeyPress to open the screen shown below. Five categories
Troubleshooting 9-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex47.This message is dis-played when themachine is in twinneedle mode and apattern that ca
9-16 Troubleshooting1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex
Appendix A-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexAppendixSPECIFICATIONSSpecification47.0 cm (W) × 30.8 cm (H) × 25.3 cm (D)50.0 cm (W) × 31.5 cm
A-2 Appendix1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex
Index1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexIndex4-hole buttons 3-627mm decorative stitch patterns 4-37mm satin stitch patterns 4-490 degree rot
Index1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexDDaisy stitch 3-49Darning 3-57Decorative stitch patterns 4-2Delete key 4-2, 4-7, 4-14, 6-8, 6-12Del
Index1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexFrame patterns 5-15, 5-59, 5-60Free arm 1-5Foot controller 1-7Forward/Back key 5-36, 5-38, 5-44GGim
Index1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexPresser foot holder 1-42Presser foot lever 1-4Previewing the completed pattern 5-28Principal parts
Index1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex“Thread Cutter” button 1-3Thread palette key 6-8, 6-13Thread tensionembroidery 5-40utility stitches
ENGLISH114-220193220-0110107Printed in Japan
Setting Up 1-211 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexExample: Displaying information about upper threading1. Press .2. Press . The lower half of
1-22 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Contents of Other Categories
Setting Up 1-231 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex
1-24 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexUsing the Pattern Explanation KeyExample: Displaying information about1. Press . (If the cu
Setting Up 1-251 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex123Bobbin Winding/Lower Threading1. Turn on the main power switch.2. Align the groove in the
1-26 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2211231▼NoteWhen sewing with fine, cross-wound thread (see the il-lustration at left), use th
Setting Up 1-271 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex123122117. Use both hands to set the thread around projection inthe thread guides.1 Projecti
1-28 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex11211.Set the bobbin holder to the left, until it clicks intoplace.1 Bobbin holder12.Press th
Introduction A-3CONGRATULATIONS ON CHOOSINGOUR MACHINEYour machine is the most advanced computerized household sewing machine.To fully enjoy all the f
Setting Up 1-291 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2134561112312 Winding the Bobbin During SewingWith this machine, you can wind the bobbin dur
1-30 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1214. With your left hand, hold the thread near the threadspool. With your right hand, hold t
Setting Up 1-311 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1211Setting the BobbinPress ➜ ➜ ➜ in that order to display a video example of theop
1-32 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2135471210986111Upper ThreadingPress ➜ ➜ ➜ in that order to display a video example
Setting Up 1-331 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex2211123122331▼3. Pivot the spool pin so that it angles toward the front ofthe machine. Set th
1-34 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1▼6. Pass the thread through the groove according to thethreading sequence (numbers) indicate
Setting Up 1-351 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex655367119. Set the thread securely into the slit of the disk in thethread guide. Be sure that
1-36 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex656516513.Slowly return the needle threader lever to its originalposition. Check that the hoo
Setting Up 1-371 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1344 Using the Spool NetIf using transparent nylon thread, metallic thread, or other strong
1-38 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex612Pulling Up the Bobbin ThreadThere may be some sewing applications when you want to pull up
A-4 IntroductionWHAT YOU CAN DO WITH THIS MACHINESpecial FeaturesUtility StitchesThere are 107 pre-programmed stitches in the machine, for garment con
Setting Up 1-391 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex11212Changing the Presser Foot CAUTION• Always turn off the power before changing the presser
1-40 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex AdapterScrew(large)12112 Attaching the Walking FootThe walking foot holds
Setting Up 1-411 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex665. Set the low shank adapter for the walking foot that camewith your machine on the presser
1-42 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex612 Reattaching the Presser Foot Holder1. Push the “Needle Position” button to raise the nee
Setting Up 1-431 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1212655. With the presser foot lever raised, tighten the screwlightly to attach the presser f
1-44 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex66112231. Press the “Needle Position” button to raise the needle,then turn the main power sw
Setting Up 1-451 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexMedium weight fabricLightweight fabricHeavyweight fabricStretch fabricFor top stitchingCotton
1-46 Setting Up1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex
Getting Ready to Sew 2-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChapter 2 Getting Ready to SewTRIAL SEWINGBasic Sewing CAUTION• To avoid injury, pay
2-2 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex657. Press the “Start/Stop” button to begin sewing.* Guide the fabric lightly by han
Introduction A-5Attach the embroidery unit to enjoy sewing realistic embroidery patterns. Choose from the alpha-betic (character) patterns, built-in d
Getting Ready to Sew 2-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex61Sewing Reinforcement StitchesReverse/reinforcement stitches are generally necessar
2-4 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex6121Sewing Heavyweight FabricsThe sewing machine can sew fabrics up to 6 mm(1/4 inch
Getting Ready to Sew 2-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex66Using the Twin Needle ModeThe twin needle can only be used for patterns that show
2-6 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex123▼4. Pull up the supplemental spool pin and set it in the upposition.5. Place addi
Getting Ready to Sew 2-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex618. Do not set the thread in the needle clamp thread guideon the needle bar. Threa
2-8 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSTITCH SETTINGSSetting Stitch Width for Zigzag Stitch PatternsYou can change the sti
Getting Ready to Sew 2-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexSetting the Stitch LengthYour machine automatically sets the stitch length when you
2-10 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Stitch Pattern Width/ Stitch Length Settings Table0.0 0.0 - 7.0 2.5 0.2 - 5.0(0)
Getting Ready to Sew 2-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex4.0 0.0 - 7.0 1.2 0.2 - 4.0(1/16) (0 - 1/4) (1/16) (1/64 - 1/16)5.0 2.5 - 7.0 2.5 1
2-12 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexPattern Pattern5.0 3.0 - 5.0 0.4 0.2 - 1.0(3/16) (1/8 - 3/16) (1/64) (1/64 - 1/16)5
A-6 IntroductionHOW TO USE THIS MANUALChapter 1 and Chapter 2 explain your sewing machine’s basic operation procedures for someonewho is using the sew
Getting Ready to Sew 2-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex124331241234Setting the Thread TensionYour machine will automatically set the threa
2-14 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex656511MACHINE FUNCTION SETTINGSAutomatic Reinforcement StitchingAfter selecting a s
Getting Ready to Sew 2-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex656511Using the Automatic Thread CutterAfter selecting a stitch pattern, turn on th
2-16 Getting Ready to Sew1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-11 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexChapter 3 Sewing Utility StitchesQUICK REFERENCE TABLEStraight stitch (Left)Strai
3-2 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexType ofpresserfootUseTwinneedlepossi-bilityName of patternPatternReinforcing of h
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-31 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexType ofpresserfootUseTwinneedlepossi-bilityName of patternPatternQuilting stitch
3-4 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexType ofpresserfootUseTwinneedlepossi-bilityName of patternPatternFagoting, bridgi
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-51 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexType ofpresserfootUseTwinneedlepossi-bilityName of patternPatternHeirloom, decora
3-6 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexButtonhole on light to medium weight fabricsButtonholes with extra space for larg
1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Attaching the Walking Foot ... 1-40 Reattaching the Presser Foot Holder ...1-42Changing the Needle
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-71 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexType ofpresserfootUseTwinneedlepossi-bilityName of patternPatternDarningDarningBa
3-8 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexType ofpresserfootUseTwinneedlepossi-bilityName of patternPatternNONOFor attachin
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-91 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex12SELECTING UTILITY STITCHES1. Turn the main power switch to ON. The screenshown
3-10 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Stitch Selection ScreensStraight/Overcasting/Quilting Stitches Decorative Stit
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-111 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex▼ Using the Mirror Image KeyDepending on the type of utility stitch you select,
3-12 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Saving Your Preferred Stitch SettingsThe settings for zigzag stitch width, sti
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-131 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexUsing the Sewing Type Selection KeyYou can also select utility stitches using .
3-14 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex3. The upper part of the screen displays a selection of overcastingstitches with
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-151 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5. Press to scroll the screen in the direction of arrow selected,and see the n
3-16 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndexJ J121 Left needle position2 Middle needle position1 Reverse stitch2 Reinforceme
1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex Overcasting (Using a Zigzag Stitch)3-20 Appliqué (Using a Zigzag Stitch) .. 3-21 Patchwork (for Crazy Qui
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-171 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex665612. Attach presser foot “J”. Hold the thread tails and fabricwith your left
3-18 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex651J15 25 3512.0 mm(1/2 inch)8.5 mm(11/32inch)5.0 mm(3/16 inch)J J JJ➜ ➜➜6.5 mm(
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-191 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex61Basting1. Select .2. Attach presser foot “J”. Press the “Reverse/ Reinforce-m
3-20 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex651121 Reverse stitch2 Reinforcement stitchZigzag StitchesZigzag stitches are us
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-211 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex656565 Appliqué (Using a Zigzag Stitch)Attach the appliqué using a temporary sp
3-22 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex65651Elastic Zigzag StitchesUse elastic zigzag stitches for tape attaching, over
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-231 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex656511GOvercastingUse for the beginning and end of seams in skirts or trousers,
3-24 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex1. Select a stitch pattern.For sewing stretch fabricsFor sewing medium stretch f
Sewing Utility Stitches 3-251 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex5121212 Overcasting Using the Side CutterBy using the side cutter, you can do o
3-26 Sewing Utility Stitches1 —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 —?!9 —CONTENTSIndex515. With the presser foot raised, align the presser foot holderscrew hole direc
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